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metal panels

Reliable Solutions for Every Build

Our panels are designed for durability, energy efficiency, and long-lasting performance. Whether your project is residential or commercial, we have the right panels for you.

Explore Our Options

PBR Panels

A versatile option for both roofing and siding, offering strength and durability for long-term performance.

R-5 Panels

Low-profile panels that provide a smooth, clean look, ideal for a wide range of projects.

B-Deck Panels

High-strength panels designed for commercial roofing with excellent load-bearing capacity.

Standing Seam Panels

Sleek, modern panels with concealed fasteners, providing superior weather resistance and a polished finish.

CoroDek Panels

Strong, ribbed panels designed for industrial use, built to withstand harsh environments.

Skylight Panels

Translucent panels that allow natural light to enter your building, enhancing energy efficiency.

Available in a Variety of Colors

29 gauge color panel

29 gauge color chart

26 gauge color chart

26 gauge color panel

Your Source for All Things Metal